Here’s a collection of some additonal samples of work I’ve done, curated by role/artistic practice!


I AM A HOUSE. by Johnny G. Lloyd, starring Maryam Castillo. Created for Directing II at the University of the Arts taught by Nell Bang-Jensen. (2020)

For Directing III, taught by Fadi Skeiker, we kept a blog of work we were reading, watching, and making. See all that and my final piece, …but the clouds… by Samuel Beckett, here!


Research packet about the 1964 New York World’s Fair created for R. Eric Thomas’s development of a new play (2022)

 Sound Design

Soundscape, music, and voice-over composed, curated, and edited for Suni B. Rose’s exploration of The Great Adventure of Amelia Franchesca Amador: The Space Cowboy by Suni B. Rose for the Directors Gather (DG) Jam. Features the voices of Annie Feng, Sheridan Merrick, and Jameka Wilson. (2021)


One act theatrical experience entitled On the Surface of an Eye. Originally written for Playwriting II taught by David Jacobi at the University of the Arts spring 2021. Find more on New Play Exchange.


Demo recording and score of “If They Knew” from Anywhenere by Suni B. Rose and Steven Gross, featuring Lydia Darling